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About Graphology

Handwriting Reveals Personality

Our writing is as unique as our fingerprint, voice and even the iris of our eye.  In a classroom of students learning to write in script from the same textbook and from the same teacher, each student will evolve his or her own style or writing as unique as his or her personality.  No two writings are exactly alike. 

Each time we write a sentence or sign our names, we draw a picture of ourselves.  When the famous English painter Thomas Gainsborough painted a portrait, he would place the handwriting of his subject on his easel next to his painting.  He felt that seeing the handwriting helped him understand the subjects better.  By studying the way the person wrote, it was as if he could glimpse inside her soul and know his subject on a level that was not accessible just from studying her as a model.  The handwriting rounded out his artistic sense.

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How Handwriting Analysis Reflects Personality

As an artist studies and paints your unique physical features on canvas, your handwriting captures your unique personality on paper.  You see, handwriting is actually the writing of the brain.

We know that writing impulses originate in the cortex of the brain and then travel through the nervous system to the muscles in the hand.  Thus, pen strokes record inner impulses, which reflect our temperament and habits.

Throughout recorded history, great men have recognized and studied the connection between handwriting and personality.  Traveling in time from the Greek philosopher, Aristotle to 19th Century poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning, to today’s current graphologists, men have researched our highly complex act of writing.  It engages our brain, our nervous system, our muscles, our coordination, our memory and our eyesight.

Graphology is the study of the psychological structure of man through his or her handwriting.  Recognized as a science toward the end of the eighteenth century, graphology depends on research and experimentation and has its rules and regulations.  This social science recognized that our handwriting – the formation of letters, arrangement, speed and pressure – tells about our personality, character and emotional state.  Today it is used in psychology, personnel selection, courts of law and for self-understanding.

Handwriting is energy.  Just as your energy varies from high to low and your moods vary from excitement to sorrow, your handwriting will vary to reflect this.  However, you are still the same person underneath those moods and the same basic characteristics you possess will surface every time you put pen to paper.  You are a combination of dozens of different factors, a unique you that no one else is like.  That is why your handwriting is unlike anyone else’s.

Although you have been taught the same handwriting style as thousands of other school age children, your handwriting evolves with you as the years go by, and it takes on a more personal style.  Along with character development as you age, many elements occur during your lifetime that play a part in modifying you: culture, education, family and social background, influences and experiences.  All of these factors are wrapped up neatly in your handwriting.

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