Read what others are saying about HuVista

What others say about HuVista

      Here is a sampling of comments from some of our clients, many of whom were initially dubious about the effectiveness of graphology as a viable human resource tool. To ensure the confidentiality of our clients, we do not publish the last names or company names from these direct quotes.  If you want to talk to any of our clients, call us and we will arrange for you to make the contact.

Corporate or business clients:

" you know, hiring good people is critical to our success.  We need people who not only have the technical skills to do the job but also ‘fit’ in our culture.  The analysis reports you prepare for us are an invaluable tool we use in assessing a candidates ‘fit.’  They help us to get a complete ‘picture’ of the candidate.  Thanks again."

          JoAnn,   (High Tech Company)

"HuVista has been an extremely valuable tool to our office over the past ten plus years.  We have found that the Quick Screen has been very useful to verify the ‘feelings’ that you get during an interview.  But what we have found even more valuable over the past four years has been the Comprehensive Profile on current employees.

"We have used the Comprehensive Profile to better understand work habits, decision making skills and different personalities within the team.  Having a better  understanding of the individual staff members has lowered our turnover and when we do have a vacancy, we have a better understanding of what type of a person would best fit into that spot.

"Our entire staff has had their handwriting analyzed.  We go over the report with the employee and it is up to them if they care to share it with the rest of the staff.  Everyone has been amazed at the accuracy.  Not only is it useful - but its fun."

          Area Representative,   (Personnel Company)

"...we decided to try a new way of validating soft skills in our hiring process.  Iris Hatfield of HuVista gave two staff members a handwriting analysis.  Since that time, HuVista has provided us a new tool for discerning candidacy, as well as an opportunity to indicate areas for improvement within our new hires.  There have been seven new hires added to our team with no turnover.  Moreover, the HuVista staff is professional, courteous and responsive to our business.  The attention, level of accuracy and dedication HuVista provides in second to none."

          Manager, Human Resources,   (Manufacturer)

"Your service has been prompt, courteous and very informative.  Although I have never met you personally, I feel that you are my friend and confidante in my business, with only my best interests in mind."

          Dr. Richard,   (Dentist)

"Through handwriting analysis you have provided insight that has helped us select a successful team and consequently a successful company.  Our company has grown tenfold during HuVista's time of service and without your people’s help it would have been more difficult. 

"Thanks for being a partner in our growth.  The accuracy of your reports have withstood the test of time.  In ten years I have not handed a full HuVista report to an associate we hired that did not agree with the report.  They are always surprised to find out that the report was done solely from analyzing their handwriting."

          President,   (Publishing Company)

"...I must admit I thought that the handwriting analysis was mostly black magic and very little science.  I had not used this type of information before in making management decisions.  After talking with you about my own personal analysis, I’m a believer!  It’s somewhat exciting for someone to take our writing and be able to analyze our very being.  It is also somewhat scary.  However, I now feel it’s just another management tool that I can use in picking people and putting them in the proper position.  I will never again recruit and interview for a middle managers position or above without using your type of analysis.  I was impressed and appreciate your assistance in helping me do a more professional job for the company I work for."

          Senior Vice President,    (Manufacturing Company)

"Along the way there have been various tools and techniques that we have used in this process.  However, the most consistent management tool in dealing with our most valuable resource, people, has been the handwriting analysis provided by HuVista.

There have been times when some of my executives, upon being introduced to the handwriting analysis concept for the first time, looked at it with skeptical eyes.  My response to them has always been the same, "I understand how you feel, but take it yourself and be your own judge. It is amazing that not one of these executives was a skeptic thereafter."

          Chief Executive Officer 
          (International Personnel Company) New York, NY

Clients Receiving Personal Reports:

"I had some rough times, needed to take a good hard look at myself, who I am and where I’m going.  I felt HuVista might give me some answers, but never expected such insightful results.  Now I have the information I need to go forward."

          Mark - Austin, TX

"It’s amazing how accurate and helpful the tool of handwriting has been for me, both personally and professionally."

          Robert - Tucson, AZ

"Through personal analysis, I have experienced hope, encouragement, assurance, reassurance and the awareness of a more positive self, the art of living in the present and the embracing of contentment today."

          Whitney - Pittsburgh, PA

"Thought I’d try it and you read me like a book!  It was very, very helpful.  Thanks so much.  Think I’ll give some as gifts to my skeptical friends and family."

          Vicki - Clearwater, FL

"I am using the information we discussed daily, and it really has helped me.  I am confident that the information I have in front of me will help guide me in decisions I will make down the road regarding career, etc. Thank you."

          Diane - Louisville, KY

What the Press Says:

 "Handwriting analysis is cheaper and simpler than psychological testing."

          Forbes Magazine

"We gave 18 (handwriting ) samples to noted graphologist Iris Hatfield, president of HuVista.  Friends and business associates of the executive subjects said they were ‘astounded’ or ‘flabbergasted’ by how closely the analyses had depicted the CEOs psyches."

          Industry Week

"In Europe, graphology is used widely in business to detect personality traits as varied as ego drive and risk aversion.  In corporate America, though, it’s not an easy sell, despite growing recognition of the costs of high turnover (50% of the newly hired don’t last six months in the jobs they were hired for), and even though many CEOs are becoming smarter about hiring."

          Inc. Magazine -- Read the entire article

"To help you make the right hiring choices, then, you could submit a one-page sample of the candidate’s handwriting to Iris Hatfield for analysis.  Hatfield, with years of experience in the psychographic field, is president of HuVista International Inc. in Louisville, KY where, with her staff analyze handwriting samples sent to her company by small-business owners and by personnel managers of mid-sized companies.  Sometimes she even gets requests from Fortune 500 corporations.”   Hatfield explains: “They send in the handwriting samples with a job description, nothing more.  We can’t tell age, race or sex from handwriting.  What we do contribute is some answers to:  Does this person have the potential, the characteristics, the aptitudes for a specific job?"

          Dun & Bradstreet Reports

"To land a position in Paris (France), penmanship can be paramount.  Companies ask Graphologists to look at handwriting for clues to competence."

          Wall Street Journal

"You are what you write."

          Staffing Industry Review

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